Welcome to My Blog
Can we Please Start 2022 Without the Usual Body Shame Game?
Why do we have to do this every single January and start a new year by beating ourselves up? For the first few days of the new year, I have seen and heard on TV & social media how we need to get back on track from the holidays and shed that weight! What if we...
Holiday Eating: Does it Wreak Havoc on our Bodies?
Today’s blog is more of an open discussion and I’d love for you to comment. This way we can get to know our bodies better. We can recognize and understand that our bodies manifest a multitude of signals to let you know what you just ate caused a visceral reaction. I...
Can We Just Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner?
Today is all about food, eating possibly all day, and feeling so full you may have to undo a button or two. This can be very daunting for some of us. Today is Thanksgiving and I am going to eat! Turkey, stuffing, my cheesy twice mashed potatoes, salad (maybe), and...
Does Your Closet Look Like a Clothing Store?
I know mine does! Finally, at forty-nine years old I have had the most fantastic epiphany! My closet can now contain an array of sizes because my body is not a one-size-fits-all. I thought back how over the years that each time I had a significant weight loss I would...
We Love our Workouts Until We Don’t
My body has gone through both weight loss and weight gains throughout my life. My body has changed again in 2020-2021. I really want to mention that what I’m about to tell you is not an excuse. As personal trainers, we always think our clients telling us that life is...
The Initial Amazon Reviews of The Doughnut Diaries are Incredible!
I must say that I am so grateful that my labor of love, The Doughnut Diaries, has received such positive reviews on Amazon. This is my first book. It expresses my innermost feelings. I am so happy that, so far, it has resonated with the readers. I definitely want to...
On the Road Again!
This was the second major road trip that my boyfriend and I have taken in 2021. This time we drove from Nashville, TN through North Carolina, South Carolina, and back to Central Florida. We were on the road for a total of seven days. That was a lot of time during that...
I am Thrilled that My First Book is Published
I have attempted to write my story for over 20 years. I honestly wasn’t sure my story had a real message, until now. I am so happy to share my thoughts and experience with you in hopes that it will help you to have a happier and more fulfilling life’s journey. Writing...
I’m So Honored for the “The Doughnut Diaries” Endorsements
I’m so very honored and humbled for all of the endorsements of my book The Doughnut Diaries. I’m a firm believer that kindness fosters kindness. The simple fact that I was able to call on my peers, clients, colleagues, friends and strangers to endorse my book,...
Feeling Fat Today!!!
Today was a hard day. My body and I did not see eye to eye. Today I felt betrayed by my body and when I looked at my reflection I cried. I haven’t done that in a while and it was gut-wrenching. I know better than to believe that over forty years of pain, trauma, and...