Forever Fit Podcast

Click Here to Listen to the Full Podcast A Personal Trainer’s Tale of Being Every Size From 12 to 0 with Rachel Lavin (Ep. 121) Forever Fit with Carol Covino My guest today is the author of “The Doughnut Diaries” (love the title) Rachel Lavin! Rachel...

Doughnut Advice Podcast

Click Here to Hear the Podcast Use code “Fit News” for Emlah Naturals to receive a discount on your next purchase: Do you sneak food while dieting? Do you feel guilt about it? Sometimes it’s our failures along the way that make for...

A Body Neutral Approach

Click Here to See to the Full Webinar People come in all shapes and sizes. The horrifying information that we pass on to our clients so they believe that if they aren’t on a strict diet and exercise program, they aren’t “Healthy”. The danger of yo-yo dieting is harder...